Competition & State Aid - Internal Market

Commission approves Polish state aid for PCC chemical plant investment

The European Commission has concluded that Poland's €23 million support to chemical company PCC MCAA Sp. z o.o. for a new plant in Brzeg Dolny aligns with EU State aid rules. The aid, consisting of a €16 million direct grant and a €7 million tax exemption, was initially granted in 2012-2013 without Commission notification, as Poland believed it fell under the 2008 General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER). A competitor's 2014 complaint led to an in-depth investigation initiated in 2019.

Poland later revoked the tax exemption in 2016, but a 2022 ruling by the Polish Supreme Administrative Court reinstated it. The Commission assessed the measures under the EU Regional Aid Guidelines (RAG) 2007-2013 and found that the aid provided an

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