Human Rights - Institutional law - Justice & Litigation

Op-Ed: “Last station before ‘Polexit’?” by Christophe Hillion

Christophe Hillion & Christophe Hillion

This contribution is part of the EU Law Live Symposium on the primacy of EU law and the implications of the Polish Constitutional Court's Decision in case K 3/21. See also the Op-Eds by René Repasi, Jeffery Atik and Xavier Groussot, David Krappitz and Niels Kirst, Paul Craig, Dimitry Kochenov, Justin Lindeboom, Federico Casolari, Araceli Turmo, Ulla Neergaard and Karsten Engsig Sørensen, and Dániel Dózsa and Marcin J. Menkes.

The Polish Constitutional Tribunal (“Trybunał Konstytucyjny”, TK) declared on 7 October 2021 (in case K 3/21) that several provisions of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), as interpreted by the Court of Justice, viz. Arts 1, 2, 4(3) and 19 TEU, were incompatible with the Polish

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