Banking & Finance - External Relations & Trade - Institutional law - Internal Market

Op-Ed: “‘Time out’ for the EU cooperation mechanism in Austria due to Xella (C-106/22)” by Judith Feldner and Felix Frommelt

Feldner Judith & Frommelt Felix

This Op-Ed is part of a Symposium on the Xella Magyarország case. See also the Op-eds by Nicolò Andreotti , by Alberto Pérez, by Thomas Reyntjens and Anna Jorna and by Trajan Shipley. More Op-Eds will appear shortly in EU Law Live

Advocates General do not often write about animals in their opinions. In the Opinion in C-106/22, Xella, AG Ćapeta referred to a 'kind of a platypus, a strange creature' in order to describe the nature of the FDI Screening Regulation 2019/452. The AG points out that, in contrast to other regulations, it neither 'impose[s] binding rules' and does not 'introduce a common foreign direct investment screening mechanism', nor does it oblige 'Member States to introduce legislation

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